Sunday Discipleship classes provide an opportunity for kids to dive into the Word with kids their own age. Utilizing age appropriate curriculum, teachers share about our great God and how He can transform the lives of all who place their trust in Him.
Special Events
At Kiokee we are one big family, and we want you to be a part of our family. Special Events held throughout the year allow your family opportunities to do life together with other families- hanging out, learning about special topics, and celebrating milestones in the lives of your kids.
Worship at Kiokee Kids provides an atmosphere for kids of all ages to come together to and discover some big truths directly from the scripture. Each Sunday kids will participate in age appropriate music, crafts, and activities that will help reinforce the lesson through various learning styles, meeting each kid where they are!
Midweek Ministry
Midweek provides an opportunity for kids to have fun and get to know their peers while participating in Bible studies designed just for them. Wednesdays also provide the space for kids to learn about missions in their community and around the world!